

Combat to Care: Pine Pollen, Wellness, and Chronic Lyme Disease

Combat to Care: Pine Pollen, Wellness, and Chronic Lyme Disease

Health Not War: Rethinking Lyme Disease TreatmentSince I first became interested in pine pollen and addressing the long-term effects of Lyme Disease, my understanding and approach have profoundly evolved. Initially, I relied heavily on antimicrobials—whether pharmaceutical or herbal—to combat the disease and its co-infections. This method aligned with my science-based mindset. However, my perspective has undergone a significant transformation. Challenging the Antim …
Jul 28, 2017 Ryan Wade
The Power of Pine Pollen: A Functional Food for Modern Health

The Power of Pine Pollen: A Functional Food for Modern Health

The Tradition of Pine Pollen—and Its Role in Modern Nutrition A superfood is a food that provides, well, a super amount of nutrition. A functional food does that—while providing benefits that far exceed basic, and even super, nutrition. This is why we classify RAW Pine Pollen™ as a functional food and not as a superfood. As people increasingly prioritize nutrient-rich diets, supporting health and correcting for the nutritional deficits caused by modern agricultural practices&md …
May 14, 2010 Ryan Wade