
The Fall Equinox: A Time to Reflect, to Unite, and to Share

The Fall Equinox: A Time to Reflect, to Unite, and to Share

Exploring the Balance of Harvest and Fall through the Teachings of Classical Chinese Medicine

As we approach the 2024 Fall Equinox, it’s clear we’re living in a time of significant societal change. Themes like unity, collaboration, and sharing feel more important than ever. We can turn to the teachings and practices of Classical Chinese Medicine (CCM) for guidance, as the equinox represents more than just a day when light and dark are equal—it symbolizes balance, a harmonious dance between yin and yang. Positioned between two crucial phases, Harvest and Fall, it offers a powerful lesson on how we can move forward together as a community.

When is the 2024 Fall Equinox?

The 2024 Fall Equinox occurs on Sunday, September 22, marking the moment of equal day and night as we officially transition into the autumn season.

Understanding the Five Elements: Harvest and Fall

In the Five Elements model of Classical Chinese Medicine, which encompasses the Five Seasons and Five Spirits, Harvest refers to Late Summer, or the Earth Season. This acts as a transitional phase between Summer (the Fire element) and Fall (the Metal element). This “season within a season” smooths the transitions between phases, allowing both the body and mind to adjust. It’s also a time of balance, reflecting Earth’s nurturing and gathering qualities that support all other phases.

A vibrant autumn landscape with golden leaves falling, symbolizing the Harvest season and the transition into the Fall Equinox.

In essence, the fall equinox sits at the intersection of Earth (Late Summer) and Metal (Autumn). In essence, the fall equinox sits at the intersection of Earth (Late Summer) and Metal (Autumn). To learn more about the Five Elements and Yin-Yang in Chinese Medicine, and how they influence holistic health, visit our detailed article  here.

Straddling Harvest and Fall: A Time to Share and Unite

According to the Five Elements theory, Late Summer is ruled by the Earth element, symbolizing nourishment, community, and gathering.

As the heat of summer fades, the Earth energy calls us to come together, share the fruits of our labor, and ground ourselves in a sense of support and connection. This phase also governs the Spleen and Stomach, which are responsible for digesting not just food, but also thoughts. These organs help us process and transform, fostering mental clarity and stability as we move into Fall.

The Metal Element and the Power of Letting Go

The Fall season, ruled by Metal, is all about reflection and refinement. It governs the Lungs and Large Intestine, which manage respiration and elimination. Just as trees shed their leaves, Metal encourages us to release what’s no longer needed—both physically and emotionally. This element teaches us about boundaries, integrity, and discernment—important qualities when it comes to purifying and refining what we allow into our lives.

The Po: The Spirit of Metal

Associated with Metal is the Po, or Corporeal Soul. The Po connects us to our physical survival instincts and is deeply linked to the rhythms of breath and bodily sensation. It helps ground us in the present moment, reminding us of the impermanence of all things. As we enter Fall, the Po guides us in accepting change and loss as natural parts of life. The balance between Harvest and Fall serves as a reminder that life is a continuous cycle of gathering and releasing, and that in unity, we find the strength to navigate these shifts.

An assortment of Chinese medicine herbs, symbolizing the themes of harvest, sharing, and balance during the Fall Equinox.

The Importance of Self-Care in Autumn

It's also worth noting that the Metal element and its organs (Lungs and Large Intestine) are closely related to the skin, our largest boundary organ. In CCM, the skin reflects the Lung’s ability to protect and regulate, which is why we’re more vulnerable to external pathogens—like wind and dryness—during autumn. This highlights the need for self-care during this season, both physically (with nourishing food and clothing) and emotionally (through setting healthy boundaries).

Lessons for Today: Balance and Community

As we navigate this year's many changes, the Fall Equinox offers several key lessons:

1. Generosity through Sharing and Reciprocity

Late Summer is when we harvest what we’ve sown, but this process isn’t meant to be done alone. Earth’s energy reminds us that true abundance comes from sharing. In today’s world, this idea resonates deeply—we’re being called to embrace interdependence and collective responsibility.

2. Balancing Reflection and Action

The equinox, sitting between Late Summer and Fall, invites us to balance enjoying the fruits of our labor with preparing for what’s next. Reflection is essential, but so is action. The Lungs, ruled by Metal, ask us to breathe deeply, find clarity, and then step forward with purpose. Likewise, the Large Intestine encourages us to hold on to what nourishes us and eliminate what doesn’t.

3. Uniting Through Change

Change is inevitable, and Fall teaches us that in order to embrace it, we need to release what no longer serves us. But this process doesn’t have to divide us—it’s actually an opportunity for unity. Coming together, we can discern what is best for the collective good. The Po, Metal’s spirit, keeps us rooted in the present while trusting in the natural flow of life’s changes.

Balancing the Po and Hun: Present and Future

In the Five Spirits, the Po is connected to the Hun, or Ethereal Soul, which is linked to Wood and Spring. The Hun provides vision and hope for the future, while the Po keeps us grounded in the now. As we pass through the equinox, we can draw on both spirits: the Hun for clarity of purpose and the Po to stay centered in the present.

Embracing the Energy of the Equinox

In this pivotal time, the Fall Equinox encourages us to celebrate both our accomplishments and the journey ahead. It’s a moment to reflect on the value of community, unity, and mutual respect. Just as nature transitions from Earth’s nourishing harvest to Metal’s sharp refinement, we, too, are being called to honor our relationships while taking necessary steps toward growth.

Finding Harmony in Balance

As we settle into Fall, the season encourages us to see the value in both gathering (like in harvest) and letting go (as in fall). The Fall Equinox isn’t just a shift in the seasons; it’s an invitation to reconnect with ourselves and with one another as we prepare for the next phase in our shared journey.

A Call for Unity and Balance

By aligning ourselves with the natural cycles and wisdom of the Five Phases, we deepen our understanding of how we nourish, reflect, and release. The equinox serves as a powerful reminder that balance is not a fixed point, but a constant dance between opposites. We’re being invited to find harmony within ourselves and within our communities—through sharing, unity, and discernment, we can create a more harmonious world.

Sep 19, 2024 Ryan Wade

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