
Cistanche tubulosa Monograph

Cistanche tubulosa

Botanical Name:Cistanche tubulosa

Family: Orobanchaceae

Common English Name: Desert hyacinth, desert broomrape.

Other Names: Rou Cong Rong (肉苁蓉; Chinese), Nikujuyou (肉苁蓉; Japanese), Tarthuth (طرثوث; Arabic)

Part Used: Stem

Ethnobotanical Origin: Classical Chinese Medicine, Traditional Mongolian Medicine, Traditional Persian Medicine

Native Growing Regions: Deserts of China, Mongolia, and Iran

Therapeutic Categories: Yang tonic, Essence (Jīng) nourisher, Marrow (Suǐ) strengthener, Intestinal moistener, adaptogen, aphrodisiac, anti-aging, anti-fatigue, neuroprotective, immunomodulatory

Pharmacological Actions: Adaptogenic, aphrodisiac, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, neuroprotective, immunomodulatory, hepatoprotective, anti-osteoporotic, nephroprotective, anti-senescence

Major Therapeutic Constituents: Phenylethanoid glycosides (e.g., echinacoside, acteoside), iridoids, lignans, polysaccharides, flavonoids, alkaloids, sterols

Botanical Description

Cistanche tubulosa is a holoparasitic flowering plant native to the deserts of China, Mongolia, Iran, and neighboring regions. Lacking chlorophyll and unable to perform photosynthesis, Cistanche survives by attaching itself to the roots of host plants—most commonly species like Tamarix (salt cedar) or Calligonum. Through this connection, Cistanche obtains the essential nutrients and water it needs to thrive.

Cistanche tubulosa features a fleshy, cylindrical stem that emerges above the sandy desert soil, often reaching up to 1 meter in height. This stem is covered with small, scale-like leaves and culminates in a dense spike of tubular flowers that range in color from yellow to pale purple. Blooming in the spring, Cistanche’s striking flowers are not just visually captivating but also a testament to the plant's resilience and adaptation to its harsh environment.

Adapted to extreme desert conditions, Cistanche tubulosa showcases unique survival strategies through its parasitic lifestyle and specialized morphology. Its ability to flourish where few other plants can underscores its significance in traditional medicine systems where it has been revered for its therapeutic properties for centuries.

<p>Rou Cong Rong &ndash; <em>Cistanche tubulosa</em></p>

Rou Cong Rong – Cistanche tubulosa

<p>Rou Cong Rong &ndash; <em>Cistanche tubulosa</em></p>

Rou Cong Rong – Cistanche tubulosa

<p>Rou Cong Rong &ndash; <em>Cistanche tubulosa</em></p>

Rou Cong Rong – Cistanche tubulosa

Ethnobotanical History

Traditional Uses in Chinese Medicine

Cistanche tubulosa, known as Rou Cong Rong (肉苁蓉) in Classical Chinese Medicine, has been revered for centuries as a potent Yang tonic. Traditionally, it is utilized to nourish Kidney Yang (Shèn Yáng; 肾阳), strengthen the essence (Jīng; 精), and moisten the intestines (Rùn Cháng; 润肠). This herb is highly valued for its potential to enhance vitality, promote reproductive health, and support overall well-being (Chen et al., 2015; Zhao et al., 2013).

Historical Texts

Classical Chinese texts such as the Shennong Bencao Jing (Divine Farmer's Classic of Materia Medica) and the Bencao Gangmu (Compendium of Materia Medica) extensively describe the benefits of Rou Cong Rong. The Shennong Bencao Jing, one of the earliest Chinese herbal compendiums, classifies it as a superior herb, highlighting its tonic properties and ability to address deficiency and debility. The Bencao Gangmu further emphasizes its role in supporting issues like impotence, infertility, and chronic constipation (Chen et al., 2015; Zhao et al., 2013).

Cultural and Symbolic Significance

Beyond its medicinal applications, Cistanche tubulosa holds significant cultural and symbolic value in Chinese society. Often associated with strength and vitality, it has been incorporated into various rituals and traditional practices aimed at promoting health and longevity. For instance, it is sometimes used in ceremonial teas or elixirs consumed during festivals celebrating life and renewal.

Modern Research

Contemporary research has begun to explore and validate many of Cistanche’s traditional uses. Studies have demonstrated its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective properties. Research highlights its potential in supporting cognitive function, enhancing immune response, and reducing fatigue (Li et al., 2016; Huang et al., 2011).

Five Element Theory and Interpretation

Cistanche tubulosa is primarily associated with the Water element in the Five Element (Five Phases) theory of Classical Chinese Medicine. This connection is due to its strong influence on the kidneys and its role in nourishing Kidney Yang (Shèn Yáng; 肾阳). Through supporting the Water element, Cistanche helps maintain the body's fluid balance, reproductive health, and overall vitality, while also addressing emotional aspects related to the Water element, such as fear and insecurity, promoting stability and confidence (Geng et al., 2018).

Alignment with the Five Phases:

  • Element: Water
  • Season: Winter
  • Organs: Kidneys, Bladder
  • Spirit: Zhi (Will)

The Earth Element Qualities of Cistanche

Kidney Support

Cistanche tubulosa is renowned for its ability to tonify Kidney Yang, which is essential for maintaining the health and function of the kidneys and bladder. Strengthening Kidney Yang supports the body's fluid balance and reproductive health.

Fluid Balance

By enhancing Kidney Yang, Cistanche helps regulate the body's fluids, promoting healthy urination and preventing issues such as edema. This contributes to overall hydration and fluid metabolism.

Reproductive Health

The herb's strong influence on the kidneys extends to reproductive health, as the kidneys play a crucial role in sexual function and vitality in Chinese medicine. Cistanche is traditionally used to enhance libido, sexual performance, and fertility.

Vitality and Longevity

As a Yang tonic, Cistanche promotes overall vitality and longevity, reinforcing the strength and resilience of the Water element. It is believed to replenish Essence (Jīng; 精), which is vital for growth, development, and reproductive functions.

Emotional Stability

The Water element is associated with the emotion of fear and the spirit of Zhi (Will), which governs willpower and determination. Cistanche helps alleviate fear and insecurity, fostering emotional stability, confidence, and the ability to persevere through challenges.

By nourishing Kidney Yang and supporting the Water element, Cistanche tubulosa plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance and health of the body's fluids, reproductive system, and emotional well-being. Its adaptogenic and tonic properties make it a valuable herb in both traditional and modern contexts for enhancing overall vitality and resilience.

Five Element Theory and Ayurveda Interpretation

In Ayurveda, the adaptogenic and tonic properties of Cistanche tubulosa can be understood through its classification as a Rasayana (rejuvenative) and Balya (strength-promoting) herb. Similar to its association with the Water element in Classical Chinese Medicine, it is used to strengthen the body's resilience to stress, support immune function, and enhance overall vitality


  • Balances: Vata and Kapha
  • Caution: May increase Pitta; individuals with high Pitta should use with care.

Within the Ayurvedic framework, Cistanche tubulosa can be understood to balance Vata and Kapha doshas. Cistanche’s warming effect helps ground the airy and erratic qualities of Vata while invigorating and energizing the slow, heavy nature of Kapha.

Ayurvedic Properties

  • Rasa (Taste): Sweet, Salty
  • Guna (Qualities): Heavy (Guru), Unctuous (Snigdha)
  • Virya (Potency): Heating (Ushna)
  • Vipaka (Post-digestive Effect): Sweet (Madhura)

Ayurvedic Qualities and Actions

Rasayana (Rejuvenative)

In Ayurveda, Cistanche tubulosa would be classified as a powerful Rasayana that supports the body's ability to cope with stress and helps restore balance to the nervous system. It is used to promote longevity and rejuvenate the body, aligning with the Water element's nourishing and stabilizing qualities.

Balya (Strength-promoting)

As a Balya herb within Ayurveda, Cistanche would be used to enhance strength and vitality, similar to its role in promoting physical stability and resilience in Classical Chinese Medicine. It supports overall physical performance and stamina.

Mental Clarity

Cistanche is believed to improve mental clarity and focus, reducing anxiety and promoting a calm, clear mind. This action aligns with the Water element's association with emotional stability and the spirit Zhi (Will).

Immune Support

Used to support the immune system, Cistanche enhances the body's natural defenses, corresponding with the Water element's role in maintaining overall health and balance.

Scientific Research, Modern Understandings, and Contemporary Applications

Yang Tonic

Cistanche tubulosa is highly regarded for its ability to tonify Kidney Yang, support reproductive health, and enhance vitality. It is often used to treat conditions associated with yang deficiency, such as fatigue, impotence, and cold extremities (Chen et al., 2015).


Recognized for its adaptogenic properties, Cistanche tubulosa helps the body cope with stress and fatigue. It supports adrenal health and enhances physical and mental endurance (Zhao et al., 2013).


The herb's antioxidant properties make it valuable in combating oxidative stress and slowing the aging process. It protects cells from damage caused by free radicals and promotes longevity (Chen et al., 2015).


The herb modulates the immune system, enhancing its ability to fight infections and diseases. It stimulates the production of white blood cells and boosts overall immune function (Li et al., 2016).


The phenylethanoid glycosides in Cistanche tubulosa exhibit strong antioxidant activity, protecting cells from oxidative damage and supporting overall health (Huang et al., 2011).


The herb is used to combat fatigue and improve physical performance. It enhances energy levels and reduces the effects of physical and mental exhaustion (Zhao et al., 2013).

Research Highlight: Cistanche tubulosa and Testosterone

As a proandrogenic phytotherapeutic herb, Cistanche tubulosa is known for its aphrodisiac properties and its ability to enhance testosterone levels. Studies have shown that supplementation with Cistanche can improve sexual performance and increase testosterone production, contributing to improved male reproductive health (Chen et al., 2015; Zhao et al., 2013).

Research Highlight: Cistanche tubulosa and Skin Health

Cistanche tubulosa has been found to have beneficial effects on skin health, particularly in promoting hydration and reducing signs of aging. The herb stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid, a key component in maintaining skin moisture and elasticity. This makes Cistanche valuable for enhancing skin hydration, reducing wrinkles, and promoting a youthful appearance (Li et al., 2016).

Research Highlight: Cistanche tubulosa and Brain Health

As a neuroprotective and nootropic phytotherapeutic herb, Cistanche tubulosa has been shown to improve cognitive function and protect against neurodegenerative diseases. Its active compounds, such as echinacoside and acteoside, enhance memory, learning ability, and overall brain health (Huang et al., 2011).


General Guidelines

  • Powder: 5 – 10 grams daily
  • Capsules: 500 – 1000 mg, 1 – 2 times daily
  • Tincture: 2 – 4 mL, 2 – 3 times daily

Dosages may vary based on individual needs, extractions and preparations, and specific formulations. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized recommendations.

Major Formulas

Formula: Jin Kui Shen Qi Wan (金匮肾气丸)

Golden Cabinet Kidney Qi Pill

Origin: Classical Chinese Medicine

Description: A classical formula combining Cistanche tubulosa and Goji berries to enhance vitality and improve sexual health.

Ingredients and Formula

  • Cistanche tubulosa stem powder - 4 parts
  • Goji berries (Lycium barbarum) - 2 parts
  • Ginseng (Panax ginseng) root powder - 1 part
  • Rehmannia (Rehmannia glutinosa) root powder - 1 part


Traditionally taken with warm water or honey. The typical dose is 1 – 2 teaspoons once or twice daily, as prescribed by a practitioner of Classical Chinese Medicine.


  • Yang Tonic: Strengthens Kidney Yang and enhances vitality.
  • Rejuvenating: Promotes overall vitality and strength.
  • Aphrodisiac: Enhances sexual health and libido.
  • Anti-fatigue: Reduces physical and mental exhaustion.