The Origin of Forest Prana Elixir Pine Pollen and Nettle Root Powder
In 2011, we launched the first iteration of what would become Forest Prana Elixir Pine Pollen and Nettle Root Powder. Our goal was simple yet profound: to combine the potent properties of two key herbs—Pine Pollen and Nettle Root. These botanicals were a natural pairing, with Pine Pollen supporting phytoandrogens and Nettle Root promoting prostate health and hormone regulation.* The first version of this formula, known as Elevated Pine Pollen, laid the groundwork for comprehensive hormonal support.
Initially, we used 10:1 extracts of Pine Pollen and Nettle Root, creating a strong foundation for hormonal balance. However, as we observed how our customers integrated Pine Pollen into their daily routines, we saw room for refinement. Pine Pollen, while best used intermittently, needed a complementary ingredient to support daily use. Nettle Root proved essential, helping mitigate potential side effects such as elevated DHT and E2 levels, making the formula more balanced and effective for consistent use.*
Over time, we perfected the formula by introducing Cape Jasmine Fruit (Zhi Zi) and Green Citrus Peel (Chen Pi), transforming the product into a true Jun-Chen-Zuo-Shi formula. These additions helped invigorate the body, enhance Qi flow, and harmonize the core benefits of Pine Pollen and Nettle Root.*
Our most significant advancement came with the development of ultra-pure Chun Fen extracts, elevating the potency of the formula from 10:1 to 50:1 full-spectrum extracts. This innovation significantly increased bioavailability and expanded the range of active compounds. The introduction of RAW Pine Pollen™ further enhanced the formula, offering a comprehensive array of functional nutrition and adaptogenic benefits.*
The original powder remains a popular choice for those who enjoy traditional herbal preparation, offering the same trusted formula with the convenience of mixing it into warm water for immediate use. Whether in powder or capsule form, Forest Prana Elixir provides a complete daily tonic for hormonal balance and prostate health.*
In addition to the powder and capsules, we also offer the Forest Prana Elixir formula as a tincture. While the core formula remains nearly identical, the tincture undergoes a different extraction process that emphasizes more Yang qualities, offering a stimulating and fast-acting effect.* In contrast, the whole herbs and extracts found in the powder promote a more Yin nature, providing a restorative, nourishing effect ideal for long-term use and holistic benefits.*
Forest Prana Elixir Pine Pollen and Nettle Root Powder can be used on its own or paired with other Pine Pollen products, such as RAW Pine Pollen™ or Forest Manna Royal Pine Pollen Tincture, to build a robust foundation for functional and nutritional support.*
We are passionate about the evolution of this formula and confident that you will feel the difference. Experience the exceptional benefits of Forest Prana Elixir, and discover the infinite power within.*