
Shilajit (Asphaltum punjabianum) Monograph


Botanical Name: Asphaltum punjabianum

Family: N/A

Common English Name: Shilajit

Other Names: Mumijo (Russian: Мумиё), Moomiyo (Kazakh: Мумие), Dung Chun (Tibetan: དུང་བྱུང་།)

Part Used: Exudate

Ethnobotanical Origin: Ayurveda, Traditional Tibetan Medicine

Native Growing Regions: Himalayas, Altai Mountains, Caucasus Mountains, Gilgit-Baltistan, Tibet

Therapeutic Categories: Adaptogen, rejuvenative, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, energy tonic, cognitive enhancer

Pharmacological Actions: Adaptogenic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, neuroprotective, hepatoprotective, anti-ulcer

Major Therapeutic Constituents: Fulvic acid, humic acid, dibenzo-α-pyrones, triterpenes, humins, trace minerals

Botanical Description

Shilajit is not a plant but a mineral-rich resinous exudate found primarily in the high mountain rocks of the Himalayas, Altai Mountains, Caucasus Mountains, Gilgit-Baltistan, and Tibet. It forms over centuries from the slow decomposition of plants by the action of microorganisms. The substance is typically blackish-brown and sticky, oozing out from the cracks in the rocks during the summer months due to the heat.

<p>Shilajit &ndash; <em>Asphaltum punjabianum</em></p>

Shilajit – Asphaltum punjabianum

<p>Shilajit &ndash; <em>Asphaltum punjabianum</em></p>

Shilajit – Asphaltum punjabianum

<p>Shilajit &ndash; <em>Asphaltum punjabianum</em></p>

Shilajit – Asphaltum punjabianum

Ethnobotanical History

Shilajit has been used for thousands of years in traditional Ayurvedic and Tibetan medicine. It is often referred to as a "conqueror of mountains and destroyer of weakness" due to its reputed ability to enhance physical performance and restore vitality. The substance is traditionally used to treat a wide range of ailments, from chronic fatigue and sexual dysfunction to cognitive decline and digestive issues.

Traditional Uses in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, Shilajit is classified as a Rasayana (rejuvenative) and is considered one of the most important herbs for enhancing vitality and promoting longevity. It is believed to balance all three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) and is used to strengthen the body's natural defenses, increase energy, and improve overall health. Traditional Ayurvedic texts like the Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita praise Shilajit for its ability to promote physical and mental health.

Uses in Traditional Tibetan Medicine

In Tibetan medicine, Shilajit is known as Dung Chun and is used to treat a variety of health conditions, including chronic fatigue, digestive disorders, and sexual dysfunction. It is also considered a powerful adaptogen and is used to help the body adapt to physical and mental stress.

Historical Texts

Classical texts such as the Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita extol the virtues of Shilajit. The Charaka Samhita describes it as a potent Rasayana that can rejuvenate the body and promote longevity. The Sushruta Samhita highlights its use in treating a wide range of health conditions, including digestive disorders, respiratory ailments, and skin diseases.

Cultural and Symbolic Significance

Shilajit holds significant cultural and symbolic importance in the regions where it is found. It is often considered a gift from the gods, with local populations attributing its discovery to divine intervention. In traditional practices, it is used in various rituals aimed at promoting health and longevity.

Modern Research

Modern scientific research has validated many of the traditional uses of Shilajit. Studies have shown that it possesses potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and adaptogenic properties. It is also known to enhance cognitive function, support immune health, and promote physical performance.

Five Element Theory and Interpretation

Shilajit can be associated with the Earth element due to its grounding and stabilizing properties. The Earth element is linked to the Spleen and Stomach, which are responsible for digestion, nutrient absorption, and overall physical stability. Shilajit's adaptogenic and nourishing qualities support these functions by enhancing energy levels, promoting calmness, and providing resilience against stress.

Alignment with the Five Phases

Element: Earth

Season: Late Summer

Organs: Spleen, Stomach

Spirit: Yi (Intellect)

The Earth Element Qualities of Shilajit

Grounding and Stabilizing

Shilajit is known for its ability to ground and stabilize the body and mind, aligning with the Earth element's role in providing a stable foundation for overall health and well-being.

Digestive Support

By supporting the Spleen and Stomach, Shilajit aids in digestion and nutrient absorption, crucial functions of the Earth element. This helps maintain energy levels and overall vitality.

Stress Resilience

Shilajit’s adaptogenic properties help the body adapt to stress, reducing anxiety and promoting mental clarity. This corresponds with the Earth element's association with mental stability and the Yi (Intellect) spirit, which governs thought and intention.

Nourishment and Vitality

As a tonic herb, Shilajit nourishes the body, enhancing physical strength and endurance. This nourishing quality is a fundamental aspect of the Earth element, which is responsible for providing sustenance and supporting growth.

Five Element Theory and Ayurveda Interpretation

In Ayurveda, Shilajit is classified as a Rasayana (rejuvenative) and is highly valued for its adaptogenic properties, similar to its association with the Earth element in Classical Chinese Medicine (CCM). It is traditionally used to strengthen the body's resilience to stress, support immune function, and enhance overall vitality.


Shilajit primarily balances Vata and Kapha doshas. It has a warming effect, which helps to ground the airy and erratic qualities of Vata while invigorating and energizing the slow, heavy nature of Kapha.

Rasa (Taste): Bitter, astringent

Virya (Energy): Heating

Vipaka (Post-digestive effect): Sweet

Ayurvedic Qualities and Actions


In Ayurveda, Shilajit is known as a powerful adaptogen that helps the body cope with stress and restores balance to the nervous system.

Strength and Vitality

Shilajit used to enhance strength and vitality, similar to its role in promoting physical stability and resilience in CCM. Shilajit supports overall physical performance and stamina.


Shilajit promotes longevity and rejuvenates the body, aligning with the Earth element's nourishing and stabilizing qualities.

Mental Clarity

Shilajit improves mental clarity and focus, reducing anxiety and promoting a calm, clear mind. This aligns with the Earth element's association with mental stability and the Yi (Intellect) spirit.

Immune Support

Shilajit supports the immune system, enhancing the body's natural defenses against illness, which corresponds with the Earth element's role in maintaining overall health and balance.

Scientific Research, Modern Understandings, and Contemporary Applications


Shilajit is highly regarded for its adaptogenic properties. It helps the body cope with stress by modulating the release of stress hormones such as cortisol, thus promoting a state of calm and relaxation. Studies have demonstrated that Shilajit can reduce cortisol levels and improve resistance to stress (Pandit et al., 2016).


The anti-inflammatory properties of Shilajit are well-documented. It contains compounds that inhibit the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, thereby reducing inflammation. Research has shown that Shilajit can significantly reduce markers of inflammation (Chaudhary et al., 2016).


Shilajit exhibits significant antioxidant effects, which help protect cells from oxidative stress and free radical damage. The fulvic acid in Shilajit boosts the activity of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase, enhancing the body's natural defense mechanisms (Agarwal et al., 2007).

Immune Support

Shilajit is known to modulate the immune system, enhancing its overall function. It stimulates the production of white blood cells and boosts overall immune function (Meena et al., 2010).

Nervine Tonic

Shilajit supports the nervous system, improving cognitive function and potentially reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression. It promotes neurogenesis (the growth of new nerve cells) and protects existing neurons from damage (Stohs et al., 2014).

Endocrine Support

Shilajit is noted for its ability to balance hormones and enhance testosterone production in men, supporting reproductive health and vitality (Pandit et al., 2016).

Research Highlight: Shilajit and Longevity

Shilajit is renowned for its potential to promote longevity due to its high antioxidant content and its ability to protect against oxidative stress and inflammation. This resinous exudate has been used for centuries in traditional Ayurvedic medicine to enhance vitality and extend lifespan. Modern scientific research supports these traditional claims, highlighting several mechanisms through which Shilajit may contribute to longevity.

Mechanisms of Action

Shilajit's unique composition includes fulvic acid, humic acid, dibenzo-α-pyrones, and a wide range of minerals and trace elements. These compounds work synergistically to provide powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and adaptogenic effects, which are crucial for promoting longevity and overall health.

Key Research Findings

Antioxidant Properties: Shilajit contains high levels of fulvic acid, which has been shown to have potent antioxidant effects. Fulvic acid helps neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative stress, which are key factors in the aging process (Agarwal et al., 2007).

Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Chronic inflammation is a major contributor to aging and age-related diseases. Shilajit has been shown to possess strong anti-inflammatory properties, which help reduce the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and protect against inflammatory damage (Chaudhary et al., 2016).

Mitochondrial Support

Mitochondrial dysfunction is a hallmark of aging. Shilajit has been shown to enhance mitochondrial function and energy production, thereby improving cellular health and longevity (Stohs et al., 2014).

DNA Protection and Repair

Oxidative stress can cause DNA damage, leading to mutations and age-related diseases. Shilajit's antioxidant properties help protect DNA from oxidative damage and support the body's natural DNA repair mechanisms (Chaudhary et al., 2016).

Clinical Implications and Potential Benefits

The ability of Shilajit to combat oxidative stress, reduce inflammation, support mitochondrial function, and protect DNA suggests that it may play a significant role in promoting longevity. Some of the potential benefits of Shilajit for longevity include:

Enhanced Vitality and Energy Levels

By supporting mitochondrial function and energy production, Shilajit helps maintain high energy levels, which are essential for an active and healthy lifestyle.

Reduced Risk of Age-Related Diseases

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of Shilajit help protect against the development of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disorders, and metabolic syndrome.

Improved Cognitive Function

Shilajit's neuroprotective effects support brain health, enhancing memory, learning, and overall cognitive function.

Enhanced Immune Function

Shilajit modulates the immune response, reducing chronic inflammation and boosting the body's natural defenses against infections and diseases.

Research Highlight: Shilajit and Testosterone

Shilajit is specifically recognized for its ability to boost testosterone levels and improve male reproductive health. This resinous exudate, traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine, has garnered attention in modern scientific research for its potential to enhance male fertility and hormonal balance.

Mechanism of Action

Shilajit contains a rich array of bioactive compounds, including fulvic acid, dibenzo-α-pyrones, and trace minerals, which contribute to its therapeutic properties. These compounds are believed to influence the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis, a critical hormonal pathway that regulates testosterone production. By modulating this pathway, Shilajit helps to increase the levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which in turn stimulate the testes to produce more testosterone.

Key Findings from Research Studies

Increased Testosterone Levels

A clinical trial conducted by Pandit et al. (2016) demonstrated that Shilajit supplementation significantly increased testosterone levels in healthy men. Participants who took Shilajit for 90 days showed a marked improvement in their total and free testosterone levels compared to the placebo group.

Improved Sperm Count and Motility

In the study by Pandit et al. (2016), men who took Shilajit also experienced significant improvements in sperm count and motility. The researchers noted that sperm concentration increased by more than 60%, and sperm motility improved by over 50%.

Enhanced Sperm Quality

Shilajit's antioxidant properties play a crucial role in protecting sperm from oxidative stress, a common cause of reduced sperm quality. By neutralizing free radicals and reducing oxidative damage, Shilajit helps maintain the integrity and functionality of sperm cells.

Clinical Implications and Potential Benefits

The ability of Shilajit to boost testosterone levels and improve various parameters of male reproductive health holds significant promise for individuals dealing with issues such as low testosterone, infertility, and suboptimal sperm quality. Some of the potential benefits include:

Enhanced Libido and Sexual Performance

Increased testosterone levels are often associated with improved libido and sexual performance. Men taking Shilajit may experience enhanced sexual desire and satisfaction.

Fertility Support

The improvements in sperm count, motility, and quality suggest that Shilajit could be a valuable supplement for men seeking to improve their fertility and reproductive outcomes.

Hormonal Balance

By supporting the HPG axis and increasing the production of key reproductive hormones, Shilajit helps to maintain hormonal balance, which is essential for overall health and well-being.

Research Highlight: Shilajit and Women's Health

Shilajit is not only beneficial for men's health but also offers significant advantages for women's health. Its unique composition of bioactive compounds, including fulvic acid, humic acid, and a range of essential minerals, supports various aspects of women's health.

Hormonal Balance and Menstrual Health

Shilajit helps regulate hormonal balance, which is crucial for maintaining regular menstrual cycles and alleviating menstrual discomfort. Its adaptogenic properties aid in reducing stress and balancing the endocrine system, which can lead to more stable hormone levels and improved reproductive health.

Bone Health

The rich mineral content in Shilajit, particularly calcium and magnesium, supports bone health. These minerals are essential for maintaining bone density and preventing conditions like osteoporosis, which is particularly important for women, especially post-menopause.

Energy and Vitality

Women often experience fatigue due to the demands of daily life. Shilajit enhances energy levels by improving mitochondrial function and increasing the production of ATP, the body's primary energy currency. This boost in energy can help women manage stress and maintain an active lifestyle.

Skin Health

Shilajit's antioxidant properties help protect the skin from oxidative stress and environmental damage. The presence of fulvic acid and other antioxidants promotes healthy, radiant skin by reducing inflammation and preventing the signs of aging.

Mood and Cognitive Function

Shilajit has neuroprotective effects that support cognitive function and emotional well-being. By enhancing the production of neurotransmitters and reducing oxidative stress, Shilajit can help improve mood, reduce anxiety, and enhance mental clarity.

Key Beneficial Compounds in Shilajit

Shilajit is renowned for its rich mineral content, which contributes significantly to its therapeutic properties. The unique mineral profile of Shilajit includes a wide range of trace elements that are essential for human health. Three major constituents of Shilajit are fulvic acid, humic acid, and Dibenzo-α-pyrones.

Fulvic Acid

Function: Fulvic acid is a potent antioxidant that enhances nutrient absorption and detoxifies the body. It helps transport minerals and nutrients to the cells, improving cellular health and function.

Health Benefits: Enhances nutrient uptake, improves gut health, boosts energy levels, and supports detoxification processes.

Humic Acid

Function: Humic acid works synergistically with fulvic acid to promote nutrient absorption and detoxification. It binds to heavy metals and toxins, aiding in their removal from the body.

Health Benefits: Supports detoxification, improves digestive health, and enhances immune function.


Function: These bioactive compounds have strong antioxidant properties and help in protecting cells from oxidative stress.

Health Benefits: Supports brain health, enhances cognitive function, and protects against neurodegenerative diseases.

Minerals and Trace Elements in Shilajit

Shilajit is renowned for its rich mineral content, which contributes significantly to its therapeutic properties.

The diverse range of minerals found in Shilajit contributes to its reputation as a powerful adaptogen and rejuvenative substance. The combined effects of these minerals support overall health and well-being by:

  • Enhancing nutrient absorption and bioavailability
  • Supporting detoxification and removal of heavy metals
  • Boosting immune function and reducing inflammation
  • Promoting cardiovascular and bone health
  • Enhancing cognitive function and protecting against oxidative stress
  • Supporting endocrine health and hormone balance

Analysis has identified over 80 minerals in Shilajit, including essential trace elements that are crucial for human health (Chaudhary et al., 2016; Meena et al., 2010). Several notable examples include:


Function: Crucial for over 300 enzymatic reactions, including energy production, protein synthesis, and muscle and nerve function.

Health Benefits: Supports cardiovascular health, enhances muscle function, improves sleep quality, and reduces stress.


Function: Essential for bone health, muscle contraction, and nerve transmission.

Health Benefits: Strengthens bones and teeth, supports cardiovascular health, and aids in muscle function.


Function: Key component of hemoglobin, necessary for oxygen transport in the blood.

Health Benefits: Prevents anemia, boosts energy levels, and supports cognitive function.


Function: Vital for immune function, DNA synthesis, and cell division.

Health Benefits: Enhances immune response, supports wound healing, and promotes healthy skin.


Function: Essential for iron metabolism, energy production, and the formation of connective tissue.

Health Benefits: Supports cardiovascular health, boosts immunity, and promotes healthy skin and hair.


Function: Involved in bone formation, blood clotting, and reducing inflammation.

Health Benefits: Supports bone health, enhances wound healing, and acts as an antioxidant.


Function: Crucial for maintaining fluid balance, nerve function, and muscle contractions.

Health Benefits: Regulates blood pressure, supports cardiovascular health, and aids in muscle function.


Function: Important antioxidant that protects cells from damage and supports thyroid function.

Health Benefits: Enhances immune function, supports thyroid health, and reduces oxidative stress.


Function: Essential for the formation of bones and teeth, and plays a key role in energy production.

Health Benefits: Supports bone health, enhances energy production, and aids in cell repair.


General Guidelines

  • Powder: 300-500 mg daily
  • Capsules: 300-500 mg, 1-2 times daily
  • Tincture: 1-2 mL, 2-3 times daily
  • Resin: A pea-sized amount (approximately 200 mg), once or twice daily

Dosages may vary based on individual needs, extractions and preparations, and specific formulations. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized recommendations.

Major Formulas

Formula: Shilajit Vitality Blend

Origin: Ayurveda

Description: This formula combines Shilajit with other potent Ayurvedic herbs to enhance vitality, balance hormones, and reduce inflammation.

Ingredients and Formula

  • Shilajit (Asphaltum punjabianum) - 3 parts
  • Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) root powder - 2 parts
  • Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris) fruit powder - 2 parts
  • Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) root powder - 1 part


Traditionally taken with warm milk or honey. The typical dose is 1-2 teaspoons once or twice daily, as prescribed by an Ayurvedic practitioner.


  • Adaptogenic: Helps the body adapt to stress.
  • Rejuvenating: Promotes overall vitality and strength.
  • Hormonal Balance: Supports endocrine health, including reproductive health.
  • Anti-inflammatory: Reduces inflammation in the body.

This formulation is based on traditional Ayurvedic texts and practices, as described in classical Ayurvedic literature.