
Sourcing and Formulation

Our Commitment to Quality Products

At RAW Forest Foods, quality is the cornerstone of our craft. We meticulously select our ingredients, ensuring that each product embodies authenticity and purity.

Rooted in the Daodi approach, our sourcing process upholds the integrity of our raw materials from origin to processing. This commitment ensures excellence in every product we offer.

All our products are manufactured in FDA-registered and cGMP-certified organic facilities in the US, fully compliant with FDA regulations. Most of our ingredients are either wild-harvested or organically certified. Organic cultivation is not just a term; it ensures the safety of workers and the environment, resulting in crops rich in beneficial phytochemicals.

Discover the profound impact of our Daodi approach on our ingredients.

<p>Wild-Harvested Reishi (<em>Ganoderma lucidum</em>)</p>

Wild-Harvested Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum)

<p>Jun-Chen-Zuo-Shi Product Development</p>

Jun-Chen-Zuo-Shi Product Development

<p>Sourcing and Formulation</p>

Sourcing and Formulation

Deep-Rooted Relationships and Ethical Harvesting

With over 14 years of industry experience, we've fostered enduring partnerships with our suppliers, ensuring the highest quality from sourcing to processing. These relationships are pivotal in securing and crafting premium products.

We engage directly with the communities at the heart of our growing and harvesting processes, promoting sustainable practices and supporting local economies. From mountain villagers hand-harvesting our signature Mountain Harvest Pine Pollen™ to artisanal growers cultivating our Reishi, we deeply value these connections.

A Scientific—Yet Traditional—Approach to Formulation

Our formulations transcend mere blends; they are masterfully crafted to maximize therapeutic effects while minimizing side effects. Guided by the Jun-Chen-Zuo-Shi framework, refined over centuries, our approach marries scientific rigor with traditional wisdom. This ensures each herb synergistically complements the others, enhancing overall efficacy.

Specialty Sourcing at RAW Forest Foods

While all our products are sourced with the utmost care, certain ingredients hold a special place in our sourcing practices.

Mountain Harvest Pine Pollen™

We take immense pride in the sourcing and processing of our Mountain Harvest Pine Pollen™. Our commitment to quality begins with the meticulous selection of Pinus massoniana Pine trees, the exclusive source of our wild-harvested Pine Pollen. This dedication to authenticity and purity is a hallmark of our product. For detailed insights into our sourcing practices, we invite you to read our article on Sourcing Mountain Harvest Pine Pollen™. Additionally, you can learn more about our Daodi approach to sourcing all our ingredients here.